Monday, July 27, 2009

Curly Hair - Bored?

Im bored with curly hair (and i straighten it sometimes)

Girls with curly hair (or something w/ background w/ curly hair)

What are some nice things i could do with my hair

I need some different ideas.

Pictures AND descriptions are appriciated :-)

Curly Hair - Bored?

Well, what I do with my hair:

-I blow-dry it, then straighten it

-Then, I either leave it down

-Or pull it back into a sleek ponytail

Good luck, hope I helped!

Curly Hair - Bored?

Try cutting it into a funky hairstyle. You can do things like pinning various sections up, for instance into a bun, or half up, half down. You could braid it into varying numbers of braids.

Curly Hair - Bored?

Straighten it .. there is a shampoo that really help u .

Curly Hair - Bored?

When I wear my hair curly sometimes I will use a clip and pin it up in like a french twist sort of way and arrange the curls cascading out. I also like to twist and pin different pieces up. Either way is pretty and playful. Nice for a change.

Curly Hair - Bored?

If you want your hair to still be curly, then you could always put it up in a cute ponytail, that always works, but if you want a completely new style, first straighten your hair, then you could get the corn rose, or you could put that up in a ponytail, wear it with a part in the middle, one side bigger then the other, or you can wear a ponytail with some hair hanging down, or a fancy up do or like up in a clip or the Jessica Simpson hairstyle, not the cut off one the one where it is long.

Good luck, hope I helped!

PS. You can't paste in pictures, I tried.

Curly Hair - Bored?

I straighten my hair and then use a curling iron to get BIG curls. It's better than your everyone else straight har and different from those little annoying curls. See my hair in this pic:

http://pics . livejournal . com/1lilgrl/pic/000xg058/g281

Take the spaces out of the URL.

Curly Hair - Bored?

I always loved what Sarah Jessica Parker's hair looked like on Sex and the City. She had a hundred different styles and almost all of them looked easy and gorgeous!

Curly Hair - Bored?

Ok, enough with all these questions about your hair. For one, you're not pretty, for two, nobody cares.

Curly Hair - Bored?

I have super curly hair, i love it, dont get me wrong but it gets annoying. I poof it in the front sometimes.

i have straightened bangs so straighen those with a little poof.

side clip

half up half down

take like 1/3rd of the front of both sides of your hair and pull them back in a twist, hold that iwht a clip or a hair tie.

high curly gelled pony tail i do this with straightened bangs but either way it looks good.

just normal gelled.

the night befoore desired day. use moose V05 is good, put that all over your hair, then blow dry on a high warm setting, scrunch your hair while doing this, then use hair spray when its "damp" more to the dry end. it comes oout gorgous and they become like straight hair easy to manage curls.

aslo what you can try is use a mouse the night before, sleep on that and then curl the pieces that didnt come out as good.

okay this is my favorite, i gel my hair then i put it up in a bun for tighter curls after a minute pull out of the bun, let your hair down for a little. do a huge side part, let like 2 or three curls hang from both sides of your hair, then the rest put in a low pony, and from one shoulder have that ponytail hang. the side that has the pony should have les curls hanging the other side should have more.

hope this helps!!

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