Monday, July 27, 2009

Curly hair crises?

I have medium length curly hair, my curls are really small in the front and huge/sometimes wavy in the back. I also have medium side bangs. what can I do to prevent my hair from frizzing up like a poof ball without using so much gel or moose? I blow dry by hair because it takes so long to dry but than it makes my hair really curly and frizzy. any suggestions? thanks ALOT!!!!!


what can I do to volumize my hair in the back of my head because my scull has a dent in the back and it looks funny with my kind of hair. thanks again.

Curly hair crises?

wash hair at night, pull up LOOSELY before going to bed,(not with scrunchie but a clip or bobby pins, so it won't dent your hair) in the morning apply frizz ease serum extra strength, and frizz ease spray.. curl aound finger all over

Curly hair crises?

I don't really know but if you brush it don't that makes curly hair into a frizzy puff ball

Curly hair crises?

When using the blow-dryer, always use a low heat setting and a diffuser. This helps so much! Also, overwashing with shampoo is a big reason curly hair gets frizzy-- only try washing it once a week, and condition on the other days.

Stay away from hair products with silicones in them, they may make your hair look temporarily shinier, they seal the hair shaft, cause buildup and dry your hair from the inside. Stay away from John Frieda's Frizz Ease serum and stylers and Catwalk Tigi Curls Rock products. My favorite styling gels are Moptop Light Hold Gel, Herbal Essences Set Me Up and Curl Scrunching Gel, none of which have heavy silicones.

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