Monday, July 27, 2009

Curly hair help!!!! please=]?

hi, well i have thick, notty naturally curly hair its hideous... well when i was really young it was gorgeous but now its just really notty and thick ..yuck!.. anyways, ive been wanting a hair style change and i mean a total change,,,ive always wanted short STRAIGHT hair but dont really wanna go thru the chemically straightening route and hair straighteners just damage my the moment my hair is straight-ish at the top all the way half way down my hair then it goes mad curly...its all notty thow...i was wondering as it is straightish at the top,,if i cut it short would it stay straight or just go back to a big bundle of natural curls !!!

jjust wondering as im planning to have it done and would like to know as soon as possible thanks=]

Curly hair help!!!! please=]?

The shorter it is the curlier it will be. The weight of longer hair helps stretch out the curl

Curly hair help!!!! please=]?

it's probably straight on top b/c it's being weighed down by your thick hair. if you cut it i bet it will be a bit wavy, but much easier to make straight by using a straightening creme and a blowdryer.

you're best off talking to a stylist about it. good luck!

Curly hair help!!!! please=]?

its just gunna be a big bundle of curls if you cut it. i just cut my hair up to a little past my shoulders and i have to straighten it or else it looks retarted. You could get your hair thinned so its not so overwhelming and itlll be easier to straighten if you want.

Curly hair help!!!! please=]?

This isn't really answering your question but i saw this kit in boots where you like apply a cream to your hair and leave it for like half an hour and then i straightens your hair permanantly for a month or so. you might want to try it

Curly hair help!!!! please=]?

Your just like me!!!!!! :O!

Okay my hair was really long and curly/wavey i hated it (My ex said it looked good on me but w.e)

I had my hair layered and thinned out also cut to my shoulders.

Now i have straight hair yay (Even though i straighten it everyday)

Curly hair help!!!! please=]?

it depends on how long and thick. if you get it cut a couple of inches it will curl beautifully, too short it will be straight with a couple of curls popping in and out. i have really thick curly hair and i get it cut a couple of inches (2- 3 1/2)

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