Monday, July 27, 2009

Curly Hair Issue?

I am mixed (Latina/Caucaisan/Indian). My hair is medium-tight curls naturally. It gets pretty frizzy without gel, but it's very soft and pretty shiny with very little to no breakage. I'm dying it back to the original color (black) soon. I had a chemical treatment done about 3 mnths ago.

my hair:

I want my hair to be in tighter curls. My friend has GORGEOUS hair. It's black %26amp; very curly. She's mixed, too. I just wanted to know what I could do to make my hair as curly as hers. I know I could get a perm with 1/4" rods, but would it be safe to do with my hair having been chemically treated less than 3 mnths ago and dying my hair soon?

her hair:

Curly Hair Issue?

why didn't you ask her how she did it?

Curly Hair Issue?

It should be fine. I have dyed my hair 6 times in one week and it still looked healthy. I think you will be fine.

Curly Hair Issue?

use a salon quality crunching gel and apply it when your hair is wet and keep crunching it up and together and its drying. let your hair air dry don't use a towel because that will make it really frizzy. Also use a shine serum.

Curly Hair Issue?

aaawww you guys are so cute!!!!!

search for this web site called curly girl they have products for curly hair

or search for the recipes for "curly pudding"

Curly Hair Issue?

You have beautiful hair. Leave it be.

Curly Hair Issue?

I think your hair is prettier than your friends . People kill to have your hair, but anyone can go get a perm and look like the friend's curls.

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