Monday, July 27, 2009

Finding curly hair styles on the net???

i am half black/white so i have medium length curly hair. it's that in between curly. white people consider it super curly but black people consider it looser curls.( maybe this helps to describe it) i want to go the a stylist to get a contemporary cut, but for me im very specific about what i want. the only way to get them to see what i want is to show a picture.

everywhere i look on the internet has white girls with straight hair made to look curly, the same pictures of beonce, halle berry etc... arethere any good web sites with people who actually have updated curly hairstyles ( it doesn't have to be just black women, just anyone with good curly hair)


Finding curly hair styles on the net???

Try this site..

There's also a section there with lots of pics of curly styles

Finding curly hair styles on the net???

I am white.. but I do have very tight curls. Kinda like Shirley temple type curles.. Pretty much the only think I can do is the poof for the front bangs and then either let the rest chill or pull it back for either a fun look or just a casual or professional look. Either way the poof is in :]

Finding curly hair styles on the net???

try looking on google pictures.

Finding curly hair styles on the net???

I have the same problem, especially with finding good ones on the internet. I always use magazines instead. Go to like a borders or Barnes and nobles and just sit and browse through their magazines until you find a style you like. Then buy that magazine to show your stylist. You can also mix pictures, like if you want certain type of bangs (which can be from a straight style) and certain layers from a curly stle. Thats what I always do.

Finding curly hair styles on the net???

Short Curly Hairstyle Tips

Hairstyles for curly hair

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