Monday, July 27, 2009

Mousse, gels, & oils bad for curly hair?

First of all, I'm male and 18. My natural hair is brown and curly hair.

Answer the question above and followings...

If they are bad for curly hair, what is alternate product that is good for curly hair?

If possible, is there product that is natural and makes your hair health?

Any tips, even websites with good tips about curly hair care, would be greatly appreciate =D

BTW, I have been done a research about how to take care of your curly hair...I learn that two main things to style curly hair is to reduce frizzy and define curl...

Also, I learn that you can not use shampoo at all...only it recommended? I know this through someone's posted comment of experience for 2 years of only use result someone's hair healthier %26amp; softier (sp)

The main reason I post this question is because I have dry, damaged hair at both side of my hair...and I just wanna them go back to health and stay health...naturally...

Mousse, gels, %26amp; oils bad for curly hair?


its good

it helps show off hair %26amp; helps maintain it

Mousse, gels, %26amp; oils bad for curly hair?

I have not on curly, and frizzy hair but my hair is long. Past my shoulders. What I have tried is olive oil. I use it as a hot oil treatment. Put the olive oil in your hair and then, wrap a wet hot towel around your head. (You will look like a nun but, it works well for my hair.)

Being a male you can keep your hair short, like a military cut. And you can just use conditioner.

PS.......Wash your hair every other day. It will help keep your hair from becoming too dry. The olive oil will help put back the vitamins and softness your hair needs.

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